
Sadly, those were the last meetings of ELS project. Participants spent wonderful, hard-working days in Nidzica, Poland. Here are the reports of those events.

Report LTT Nidzica

Els Report TPM

SUMMARY REPORT of short-term exchange of groups of pupils taht took place in Žilina (Slovakia) from 8th to 12th January 2019


1 OBJECTIVES and PARTICIPANTS of the meeting
2 AGENDA of the meeting
3 MINUTES from the coordinators´ meeting

Summary report LTT ELS in SLOVAKIAok

LTT event in Volos is over 🙁 We all spent wonderful 6 days there, we learnt a lot. Here is a short report where you can find e.g. objectives of the meeting, name of the participants, program of the mobility or description of the events that took place there (workshops, lectures, students’ tasks etc.)


ELS in Volos meeting report (1)